And I'm talking about the Paul McCartney not the abberation performed by Bums and Posers er, uh, I mean Guns and Roses. Ahd it been the later, it would have been entitled "Live and Let DEEEEIIIIIYYYYEEEEYYYYEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!"
Actually, the titale is only a very edgey reference to the song (or movie) in promoting a discourse about something else entirely different and unrelated (NY Post, here I come!!!). For the past week, my cheese has been curded by the on-going right-to-die case in Florida. Just to get this out there in public record for all to see should, God forbid, this ever become an issue: if the extent of my reaction to people in a room, events going on around me or any other stimuli be that I midlessly drool while my eyes follow a shiney balloon as it passes in front of me, please disconnect the tubes and let me die. That's far to miserable an existance to comprehend and even if I AM still in there and I still have my full capability of thought, just an utter lack of an ability to express that thought, here's what I'm going to be thinking, for all FIFTEEN of those years that I'm being kept alive: WHAT THE F*$% DID I DO TO THESE A-HOLES THAT WOULD MAKE THEM SO PISSED OFF AT ME THAT THEY'D WANT ME TO BE ALIVE LIKE THIS; UNPLUG ME FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!! Now you know. But enough about me, let's turn to the case at hand.
I can fully understand the parent's side of the case. I can understand wanting to keep her alive as long as possible. But, I think they're out of touch. Parents are not capable of making a rational decision in this matter. For example, when I told my parents that I wanted to be cremated and have my ashes spread in a really cool place (by the way, I want to be creamated and have my ashes spread in a really cool place after you unplug me) when I die, they reacted as if I had asked them to euthenize me becasue I had a tummy ache. "Oh, no, we're going to bury you. You're not getting cremated," they said. You see, I was in a fully cognizant state when I made this request and they still wouldn't follow through, how could I expect them to follow through on my wishes to be un-plugged? I can't. That's why you have a significant other: he or she is someone you can, and HAVE to, talk these things over with. Should she have done the paper work? Obviously yes. But when you're as young as she was when she had her heart attack, filling out paper work to deal with you if you should become a vegetable isn't at the top of your To Do list.
So there's that. I think the husband has HER interests in his heart. Otherwise, he wouldn't still be married to her and still be fighting for her wishes. It woudl have been FAR easier for him to throw up his hands and say, "You want to take care of her, you go right ahead," and go splits-ville. I also understand that the courts get dragged into this thing. It was the parents' only recourse, regardless of their inability to rationalize the issue. But the courts ruled. Obviously, I think rightfully so.
But then we have the uppity Republicans in the US Congress that feel it's their God Given duty to go shoving thier fat asses in the middle of any dispute that might be marginally political. Do you think Democratic law makers would have stepped in to pass a law in support of the husband if the judge had ruled the other way? I don't think so. But the "Keep Her Alive" stance is "Christian" stance. This boggles my mind on so many different levels that I will now bullet point them in an utter incoherent rambling mess below
- What the hell is the US Congress doing passing a law that is targeted at a single case? Isn't the the very definition of descriminatory and invasive? Aren't Republicans supposed to be in FAVOR of less government and more state's rights? And since when did they give a damn for ANYONE?!?!? If this person we're covered by the insurance of her husband, do you think they'd have still stepped in?
- Let's look at the Pro-Life movement for a moment. I'm extrapolating here, but let's assume that one of the arguements, a "Christian" arguement, is that every life is sacred and that we should not wield the power (or essentially Play God) to take that life. Why don't Christians argue the flip side of taht coin, too? Isn't it Playing God to keep this poor woman alive? Wouldn't she, without the assistance of un-natural, life-exending instruments, be long dead? AREN'T WE PLAYING GOD WITH THIS WOMAN!?!?! How is this Christian?!?!?
- On an evolutionary level, this woman should have been eaten by an Alligator or random scavanger animals 15 years ago.
- WHY IS CONGRESS GETTING INVOLVED!?!?! I mean, I know why. But WHY!?!?! Is this what we're electing people to do? To get involved in our personal daily lives to the point that they're going to write specific laws about me? I know I hit on this one with my first bullett, but it deserves another one. What's stopping them from passing the Howard Stern Act that says that anybody can say whatever they want on satellite radio except Howard Stern?
- Are they going to react like this for every single leagal judgement that goes against what they want? Will they some day be able to pass the "Barretta Act" which over-turns the finding of the Jury in the Robert Blake trial?
- When I turned 18, I registered Republican because I was fiscally conservative and I thought they were in favor of a small government. So I ask again, "WHERE IN THE HELL DID THEY GET IT IN THEIR HEADS THAT THIS WAS AN ISSUE THAT THEY BELONGED IN!?!?!"
- And when did Republicans EVER give a damn about anythign health care related?
I assure you, it will be a very very very long time before I will ever be able to even consider voting for a Republican ever again. This party is so out of touch with the world. Each and every member of the Republican Party has become a puppet of the religious right who's main goal is to reduce the freedoms of Americans so that they (the religious wackos) may save our immortal souls from ourselves. Excuse me, I think I know what's best for me and what I want to do with my own time. I sure as hell will be capable of knowing what's best for my kids and make sure that they know their limits. And I think it's safe to say that that man in Florida knows what's best for his wife. We don't need your help so kindly FUCK OFF!!!