An actual important blog
Nope, I'm not talking about anything I'd have to post. About as important as I get is a wedding announcement. Through Michael Moore's website, I found a link to It's a very funny/sad site (as you would expect coming via Moore). It shows a collection of signs that have been put up over and around freeways all over the country. Signs that protest Bush and the war.
When I lived in LA, I always thought that those signs were really cool. Well, mostly cool. Many of them were of the Virgin of Guadaloupe and that actually might have just been my eyes playing tricks on me. Anyway, I like the political ones. I always thought, "Damn, that's ballsy." I mean, what happens if you get caught? Seriously, what happens? I don't know. Does anyone out there? I'm a chickenshit like that and wouldn't do it specifically for fear of getting caught. Although just before the election, there was a shopping complex a block away from me that had a huge Bush Chaney sign stuck up there and if Jenn hadn't stopped me I would have torn it right off of it's posts. I kind of wish she hadn't stopped me. Especially now that I've seen the site. I feel like I would have contributed a little then.
Anyway, Bush still sucks. How completely insane is it that he's appointing a belligerant prick (normal person speak for "hawkish results getter") to the UN. That would be like a newspaper in Pittsburgh hiring a guy who wears a Cleveland Browns tie to his interview to cover Steelers games. What results is he seriously looking at achieving? Does he just want people to know that he has no plans to work with other nations in a civilized fashion, so don't bother trying? And also, this thing with re-nominating judges that have already been blocked. If the Dems ever manage to get control of any branch of the government again, I hope to God they bully the minority as much as they're getting bullied now. I hope they continue to fight the good fight. They are the last line of defense while Freeway Bloggers continue to fight the regime fromt eh underground. Viva la Resistance!
When I lived in LA, I always thought that those signs were really cool. Well, mostly cool. Many of them were of the Virgin of Guadaloupe and that actually might have just been my eyes playing tricks on me. Anyway, I like the political ones. I always thought, "Damn, that's ballsy." I mean, what happens if you get caught? Seriously, what happens? I don't know. Does anyone out there? I'm a chickenshit like that and wouldn't do it specifically for fear of getting caught. Although just before the election, there was a shopping complex a block away from me that had a huge Bush Chaney sign stuck up there and if Jenn hadn't stopped me I would have torn it right off of it's posts. I kind of wish she hadn't stopped me. Especially now that I've seen the site. I feel like I would have contributed a little then.
Anyway, Bush still sucks. How completely insane is it that he's appointing a belligerant prick (normal person speak for "hawkish results getter") to the UN. That would be like a newspaper in Pittsburgh hiring a guy who wears a Cleveland Browns tie to his interview to cover Steelers games. What results is he seriously looking at achieving? Does he just want people to know that he has no plans to work with other nations in a civilized fashion, so don't bother trying? And also, this thing with re-nominating judges that have already been blocked. If the Dems ever manage to get control of any branch of the government again, I hope to God they bully the minority as much as they're getting bullied now. I hope they continue to fight the good fight. They are the last line of defense while Freeway Bloggers continue to fight the regime fromt eh underground. Viva la Resistance!
Thanks for the freeway blogger link. I stumbled across your blog by accident, but I'll be back.
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