Tuesday, February 15, 2005

On Hold with the Insurance Folks

If you want to know how I've been feeling the past coupel of days, all you need to know is that I'm typing this while on hold with the car insurance people. It really is a kind of torture. Why would I want to be on hold to deal with one of the most evil groups of people in the world? It's like waiting in line to have your head cut off during the French Revolution. I suppose the folks back then could think in the back of their minds that they haven't done anything wrong and soem of them might have actually died for a good cause. Thankfully, that is the case with this current phone call. I'm not reporting an accident, which would totally suck. I'm adding Jenn to the policy and adding Jenn's (and my) new car.

YAY NEWS! We got Jenn a new car yesterday. It's a dark grey Huyndai Accent. It has power windows and a CD Player but is Standard transmision. I suppose the bright side of that is, after drving for nearly half my life now, I'll finally learn to drive a stick.

That's the good news. For some reason, I have it stuck in my head that nearly everything else in bad news. Which isn't the casse. But I worry a lot and I dwell on things.

by the way, I'm off hold now.

Anyway, I dwell on things, usually the bad, so when I have bad stuff go down, that's all I tend to think about. And it brings me down and makes me sad. It's a charcter flaw that I'm trying to change, and Jenn's helping with that. But that's where I am right now.

First, I got pulled over on Sunday. Yes cops, another group of the most evil people around. I was driving along, not swerving in and out. Not anywhere near anyone or anythign that going 52 in a 40 would cause any alarm. I clear a highway overpass and apparantly, the cop was at the bottom of the overpass's man-made hill. I can't say for sure becasue I didn't even notice him until I saw him with his lights on in my mirror. That's how innaucuous the situation was. All I know is that once I noticed him, I checked my odoometer and it said 48-ish. He says I was doing 52. I suppose we have Newton and the hill that isn't there for that one. It's jsut stupid. Of all the SHIT happening int he world today, that's what this guy chooses to focus his time on. If I didn't hate him, I'd feel sorry for him for leading one of the most meaningless, pointless and rage enducing existances around. I can't think of a job that serves less a purpose than a cop that sits at the bottom of an over-pass hill and waits for drivers that forget about gravity for 5 seconds.

And the other big thing is that my computer isn't working. I don't even want to get inot this one, but anyone who knows me knows this is infuriating. *sigh* And a bit sad.

Much like I hoped, now that Jenn's car has insurance, I feel better. We're going to pay almost exactly what I had anticipated for the 2 cars and 2 drivers, which makes me very happy. Usually with insurance, you're looking at much much more.

So maybe things are looking up!

*sigh* and that one is relief rather than grief.


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