A Rude Awakening
Late last week, I awoke from a football-induced coma. I was pretty much dead to the world outside of the Steelers since Christmas. And let me tell you something, waking up was no picnic.
It turns out that we still have a Village Idiot President, his administration continues to flaunt it’s powers and now they are in the process of breaking more laws while maintaining an air of superiority and invincibility. I hadn’t watched a Daily show for almost 3 weeks. They were all there on Tivo, waiting for me. And boy, did they pound me over the head with the harsh realities.
I learned a very interesting lesson as a result of my stint in the coma: Joe Blow American doesn’t give a shit about what our administration is doing. They may hear about it in passing, but they do not give it the amount of consideration that is truly required to understand the implications. Joe Blow does not stop to think what might happen in the future if today, the Village Idiot and his droogs are listening in on phone calls from US Citizens to suspected terrorists. If this is the plan that we DO hear about, what else are they doing?
And what about the stories of college students being harassed by the Secret Service for checking out too many books on the watch list? Does Joe Blow American even hear about these stories? These aren’t the publicized stories because they’re far too complex for a sound bite. How many of these sort of stories did I not hear about in the past month and a half while I was on news sabbatical?
Bush’s Administration is built on a foundation of secrecy, lies, misinformation, spin, blind loyalty and lawlessness. These are not qualities that the Administration is trying to weed out. They are not qualities that the Village Idiot condemns. These are qualities that are promoted, if not needed, by this administration. If not adhered to stringently, a member of the Administration would quickly find himself on the outside looking in. Is Joe Blow aware of the fact that the Village Idiot will fire someone for raising even the slightest concern about any of his various illegal activities? Is he aware that multiple people lost there jobs for simply suggesting that Iraq would be more costly and time consuming that advertised by the Village Idiot and his droogs?
George W. Bush’s only positive accomplishment during his Presidency was boosting the sale of huge signs that say Mission Accomplished. And he did that almost 3 years ago. Since then, he has murdered over 2000 American servicemen without yet supplying a single justifiable cause. He has shit all over the Bill of Rights in so many ways it’s scary: through his judge nominees, through the Patriot Act, through the holding of enemy combatants, through the removal of public discourse regarding his policies, through threats to the press and through who knows how many other “essential weapons in the war on terror” that are nothing more than illegal tapping of US Citizens’ phones.
Seriously, come up with a single positive accomplishment since 9/11/01. Terrorist attacks have increased exponentially. The economy is growing at a rate slower than anyone could have thought possible. Our environment is being eroded. It’s sickening.
The worst part is, and this is the part that I realized only after coming out of the coma, there is absolutely nothing that will be done about it. If Bush walked into the New York Times, arrested the editor and personally assigned one of his droogs on the job, I think he could get away with it. There would be a little bit of a stink, but there would be absolutely, positively no consequences for his actions. This is my point: HE CAN DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING HE WANTS AND GET AWAY WITH IT. People might not like it. People might complain about it. But he can do ANYTHING and no one will hold him to task. I think one of the most important thing for people to do is to take responsibility for their actions. Not a single person in this administration ever needs to worry about this: they have a carte blanch.
The infuriating part is that there are provisions set up in our Constitution to prevent a Rouge Terrorist Leader (essentially, what Bush is) from taking over our country without the will of the people. Joe Blow is the people. And he doesn’t care.
It turns out that we still have a Village Idiot President, his administration continues to flaunt it’s powers and now they are in the process of breaking more laws while maintaining an air of superiority and invincibility. I hadn’t watched a Daily show for almost 3 weeks. They were all there on Tivo, waiting for me. And boy, did they pound me over the head with the harsh realities.
I learned a very interesting lesson as a result of my stint in the coma: Joe Blow American doesn’t give a shit about what our administration is doing. They may hear about it in passing, but they do not give it the amount of consideration that is truly required to understand the implications. Joe Blow does not stop to think what might happen in the future if today, the Village Idiot and his droogs are listening in on phone calls from US Citizens to suspected terrorists. If this is the plan that we DO hear about, what else are they doing?
And what about the stories of college students being harassed by the Secret Service for checking out too many books on the watch list? Does Joe Blow American even hear about these stories? These aren’t the publicized stories because they’re far too complex for a sound bite. How many of these sort of stories did I not hear about in the past month and a half while I was on news sabbatical?
Bush’s Administration is built on a foundation of secrecy, lies, misinformation, spin, blind loyalty and lawlessness. These are not qualities that the Administration is trying to weed out. They are not qualities that the Village Idiot condemns. These are qualities that are promoted, if not needed, by this administration. If not adhered to stringently, a member of the Administration would quickly find himself on the outside looking in. Is Joe Blow aware of the fact that the Village Idiot will fire someone for raising even the slightest concern about any of his various illegal activities? Is he aware that multiple people lost there jobs for simply suggesting that Iraq would be more costly and time consuming that advertised by the Village Idiot and his droogs?
George W. Bush’s only positive accomplishment during his Presidency was boosting the sale of huge signs that say Mission Accomplished. And he did that almost 3 years ago. Since then, he has murdered over 2000 American servicemen without yet supplying a single justifiable cause. He has shit all over the Bill of Rights in so many ways it’s scary: through his judge nominees, through the Patriot Act, through the holding of enemy combatants, through the removal of public discourse regarding his policies, through threats to the press and through who knows how many other “essential weapons in the war on terror” that are nothing more than illegal tapping of US Citizens’ phones.
Seriously, come up with a single positive accomplishment since 9/11/01. Terrorist attacks have increased exponentially. The economy is growing at a rate slower than anyone could have thought possible. Our environment is being eroded. It’s sickening.
The worst part is, and this is the part that I realized only after coming out of the coma, there is absolutely nothing that will be done about it. If Bush walked into the New York Times, arrested the editor and personally assigned one of his droogs on the job, I think he could get away with it. There would be a little bit of a stink, but there would be absolutely, positively no consequences for his actions. This is my point: HE CAN DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING HE WANTS AND GET AWAY WITH IT. People might not like it. People might complain about it. But he can do ANYTHING and no one will hold him to task. I think one of the most important thing for people to do is to take responsibility for their actions. Not a single person in this administration ever needs to worry about this: they have a carte blanch.
The infuriating part is that there are provisions set up in our Constitution to prevent a Rouge Terrorist Leader (essentially, what Bush is) from taking over our country without the will of the people. Joe Blow is the people. And he doesn’t care.
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