Sunday, February 05, 2006


The Steelers won the Super Bowl. I'm numb. I'm so happy, but probalby more relieved right noiw, just a couple hours after the game finished. WE're watching Ocean's 11, to sort of help wind us down (more me, than anyone I'm sure). But I'm fairly certain that I'll be sleeping just fine on my own tonight, with or without a wind-down.

I figured people might like an immediate reaction to the Steelers becoming World Champs, but really, I'm not sure it's sunk in yet. I'm taking the day off tomorrow to watch endless TV re-cap and supurlatives and to read the same on-line. Other than the euphoria immediately after the game, I'm not sure I'm going to fell anything beyond punch-drunk happy. I thought, before the game, that I would float on a cloud of glee for a while, but now I'm not so sure that's a realistic reaction. I've sunk in a lot to rooting for this team. However, while the experience by no means underwhealming, I think the slight twinge of relief may circumvent any "floating" side effects of teh ahppiness.

But I know one thing: the Steelers are World Champs. And I get to say that for 12 more months. And nothing can take taht away!


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