Monday, January 23, 2006

The Power of Jinx

The last time I had a Sports Illustrated subscription, I was in college. It was a free 6 month trial and I could renew at the end of the 6-months for an extra discount. I didn’t renew. It wasn’t because I didn’t like the magazine. It was because I was waiting.

Sports Illustrated offers specials about 6 or 7 times a year where you get a free gift of a commemorative book and some other thingy for the champion of the major sports. For example, Texas won the National Championship in football, and immediately after popped up the commercials: “Hey Texas fans! Get your commemorative book and football to remember your Longhorns 2006 National Championship!” While I have never said as much out loud, I decided that I would wait to get a Sports Illustrated subscription until the Steelers wont eh Super Bowl.

Since I made that decision, the Steelers have missed out on going to the Big Game 3 times. At one point, I almost got a subscription to remember the Miami Hurricanes winning a National Championship. I said to myself at the time, “No, don’t do it. The Steelers have a good team this year. Just wait.”

Here’s the problem: any good sports fan knows that you never talk about your team winning until they’ve won. So, I figured, since I never actually SAID, “I’m not buying a Sports Illustrated subscription until they win the Super Bowl,” I wasn’t jinxing anything. I mean, everybody who loves a team will let themselves THINK victorious thoughts. But speaking them… Let’s put it this way: last week, my brother called me to celebrate after the Steelers took position of the ball on Indianapolis’s 2 yard line with a 3 point lead and 1:40 left in the game. We hung up and Bettis immediately fumbled. Thankfully, the jinx wasn’t so bad that the Steelers lost. But the point is, you can’t help but think good things, but you darn well better know not to say them.

This current Steelers run has me wondering if thinking too much might not be a jinx. Just before the playoffs started, my dad gave me a subscription to Sports Illustrated as a gift. I’m not sure the reason for the gift: I imagine some kid knocked on his door peddling subscriptions so he could play at Disney World with his band. However, it might turn out to be the greatest gift I’ve ever gotten.

The Steelers are playing in their first Super Bowl in 10 years. I’m positive I have to end this posting now, and I’m a little worried that my next thoughts are going to ruin things for everyone in the Steeler Nation.


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