Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Back to the Good Ol' Days

Yessiree. We're looking at a real fun 4 years ahead of us. It will be a celebration of what's good and right with America. We'll get to watch sinners duck into dark alleys with wire hangers; find them lying there bleeding to death. We'll get to indiscrimiately bomb whoever we want without any reprecussions. Why not!? We're afraid of them, they are different from us, so they must be bad. And there's more people right here in our own country that need to gett some more hatred thrown there way. We've let these fags and dykes butt fuck and carpet munch for long enough. Time to start singling them out by making amendments directly against them. And oh the wonderful things that Right Wing judges have in store for us!!! Those leftist media outlets had better watch out!

I told a friend earlier this week that I've always been skeptical of and mistrusted organized religion. But until yesterday, I had never actually FEARED it before. Welp, that's what it's come to. I'm afraid of religion. I react oddly, some would say irrationally, in these sort of situations. The moive Shrek was OK, kind of funny, very forumulaic (lifted right from Disney). But then everyone started talking about how it was the most irreverent and off kilter animated movie EVER!!!! WOW!!! Um, no, not really. The only difference here was that the princess turned into an Ogre rather than vice versa. WHOOPTIE!! So now I hate that movie, mainly because I feel the general sentiment for it needs to be tempered a bit, not because I actually hated the movie. Welp, I hate religion now.

I've always said that more people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason. And now our "President" is carrying on in that lovely tradition.

Here's the thing that REALLY gets me: the #1 reason sited for voting for a specific candidate was MORAL VALUES. and Asshole Bush got over 80% of those people's votes. That means that the American people feel that morally speaking, killing over 100,000 people half way across the world that posed no threat to our country is OK. That means that they think God would rather a man kill 100,000 LIVING INNOCENT PEOPLE, than refusing to prevent women from having the right to abort their un-born. These religious nut-jobs think that God would feel better about bombing innocent people's homes than being Catholic. It makes me want to puke my guts out. I'm having a very hard time being within 30 feet of anyone who goes to church regularly right now. There are A LOT of people in my office that read the Bilble on their lunch break and I just want to post a sign in my cube that says "Your Religion is the Next Mythology."

I'm sick of people using their religion as a weapon. If it's not bombs then it's with their hurtful words. Or their manipulative guilt. My father the Catholic, one of the mast thougtful people I know, was told by one of his right-wing "friends" that he'd better be ready to answer to God if he really does vote for Kerry. As if my dad voting for Kerry is the equivalent of recruiting women to get abortions. And it just goes on and on. The Lord does not talk to ANYONE!!! The Lord does not want us to be bombing innocent people in the Middle East. Where does it say ANYTHING about, "Thou shalt believe in only me and think as your pastor thinks or you may rightly be smote"!?!?! NO WHERE!!! What Would Jesus Do, MY ASSS!!! They don't give a shit what Jesus would do. They just want to know what would a dictator do to create more fear and hate in the hearts of his people in order to better blindly lead them down MY path. Fuck Jesus.

So now we're going to get to have Patriot Act 2: The Revenge of the Evangelical Nut Jobs. Do I think they'll go so far as turn back the First Amendment? No. But they'll do their damnedest to put as many dings and holes in it as they can possibly get away with. They're not going to want to hear about how our Asshole President should be brought up on War Crimes. You know they're going to want to keep tabs on what we're reading, or surfing through.

I do hope that I'm over reacting. I do hope that our Dick-wad President isn't as big of a Fuckface as he outwardly appears. But you look at that automiton wife of his, and that shit-eating grin of his and you just know, he knows what he's doing is wrong and he just doesn't give a damn.

I'm getting this all out of my system here so that maybe it will prove theraputic for me. Like, I just need one good venting sessions and I'll be OK. I know that's what Jenn is hoping to.

But here are some of the additional thoughts that I can't shake:
- Last couple times our country was leaning this far right we had prohibition and we had the McCarthy trials. Who's going to be persecuited this time and what freedoms will be taken away? Seriously, I don't know. But think about it. You think the flappers had any idea that, in just a couple years, they wouldn't be allowed to drink? You say now that it's absurd that we'd not be able to call our Giant Douchebag of a President a Shit-guzzling Scrotum Sack. Under the circumstances, I'd consider a Constitutional Amendment proecting marriage getting off easy.
- The judges that this Asshole President is going to appoint will be setting the social agenda for teh next 35 years. Seriously. They have no quals with allowing the government to dip it's hand in a little social righteousness. Do the courts have any business telling me how I spend my time in my bedroom? Or on this computer? They don't, but they will.
- This Shit-for-Brains President managed to win on 2 platforms: fear and religion. Hitler won on 2 platforms: fear and religion. Our public, right now, is as stupid and short-sighted as the Germans were 70 years ago. You don't think these yahoos could be whipped up into enough of a frenzy to do them some book burning? Seriously. I'm not saying that they'll be able to get the books BANNED entirely. I figure, we'll always be able to BUY them. But you don't think they'll march into the libraries and take out what we have access to for free right now? They're already doing it on the TV and radio.

Again, I hope I'm wrong. I hope I'm exaggerating. I hope I'm over-reating. But for some reason, I just don't think I am.


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