Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Jon's Back!!!

If you one reading this knows Jon Stewart or anyone even remotely connected or afiliated with the Dialy Show, please let them know that the loayal viewer cannot take 2 weeks without the Daily Show. It's just too much time to have to deal with the insanity of reality on our own. The Daily Show is a becon for all of us who have a hard time rationally dealing with the insanity and stupidity of the world in general and the current administration in particular.

I needed their reassuring satire during the past 2 weeks. I needed to make sense of a pact that Democrats made with Republicans basically saying, "We will let these 3 fascist corporate whore nut jobs through to the courts now and the other 4 fascist corporate whore nut jobs through later but if you even TRY to push through a fascist corporate whore nut job in the future that was actually a registered member of the neo-fascist movement or on the board of Enron, we may think about doing something about it then." I needed to understand why Tom DeLay can say his name is being disparaged on a TV show when the show refered to a right wing nut job that killed some judged would probalby be wearing a Tom DeLay shirt when the man said, after the Terri Schiavo fiasco, that he would be certain the judiciary would be held accountable. I need to shed some light on the hypocracy of a White House that condones the torture of "enemy combatants", that refuses to acknowledge ANY rites for these detaines and then turns around and gets steaming mad about a Newsweek article about soldier's treatment of the Koran and blasts a report from Amnisty International that condemns the White Houses actions that they can't deny their taking, their only defense being, "well, yeah, but the people making those accusations are are only the ones BEIGN tortured," all the while claiming to be a becon of freedom and a defender of democracy. Without the Daily Show all of these events, and many others, were far to much for me to comprehend. I can't even begin to wrap my mind around them.

So, thank you for coming back last night, Jon. I was beginning to think my TiVo was hiding something from me. Please don't take off 2 weeks at a time ever again.

Hypocracy Alert!!!! Last week I watched the movie Control Room (a MUST see for anyone that likes to get pissed off at our Village Idiot President and any one who supports him). Int eh movie, Rumsfeld was responding to a question posed to him early on in our illeagal occupation of Iraq about the treatment of our prisoners and he stated something along the lines of, "I expect them to be treated in accordance with the laws outlined in the Geneva Convention." This coming from the same administration that said that we don't need to follow the Geneva Convention because our enemy isn't fighting for a nation. The same administartion whose current Attourny General said that the Geneva Convetion was outdated. Let's ignore the fact that the "war" in Iraq is an illegal occupation and out troops, regreattably, probalby wouldn't be protected under the Geneva. ALL IN THE NAME OF STOPPING THE PROLIFERATION OF WMD's .... er.... um.... uh.... I mean.... ALL INT EH NAME OF PROLIFERATING DEMOCRACY (or the religious right's brand of democracy).


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