Thursday, May 26, 2005

Put on your Dancing Shoes

There hasn't been much by way of Wedding news of late, hence the lack of talk about it here. However, over the past week, a few things have happened.

First, we sent out what will probalby be the last of our invites. There were a couple folks that I had to get addresses from and was being a little lazy about.

Then, while I was in LA I bought an album at Ameoba Records, across the street from the ArcLight where I saw the digital projection of Star Wars on Friday. Ameoba Records, as many of you are aware, is only the greatest record store in the entire world. Anyway, the goal this time around was to pick up an album that had a song which Jenn and I had heard the very very tail end of in flipping through the channels one day. We hadn't been able to find the album anywhere else but we knew Ameoba would have it (they have everything). Anyway, now we have our wedding song.

It was kind of funny because when we both heard the bit of song we kind of knew that would be it. At the time it was like, "Hey, there's a good idea for our wedding song." Then we got the album and listened to the whole thing and both agreed that we really liked the song. A t that point, I figured it went unsaid that that would be the song. But then on Tusday Jenn meekly polled me over to the couch and played the song and asked (in her cute, shy style) "Can that be our wedding song." She's so adorable. I told her that I doesn't really have a good beat for dancing purposes but that I like the song so much and it really expresses how I feel that it has to be the song. And no, I will not reveal the title or artist. Jenn and I are going to play a game and see if Chris knows who it is after we dance to it.

Lastly, Jenn's shoes arrived yesterday. After much stress in finding a suitable pair locally and much trepidation in buying shoes on line, she finally sucked it up and bought a pair she foudn on line at a decent price. She loves the shoes and I have t admit that they are by for the coolest shoes that will ever grace a bride's feet. Her favorite part about them is that they can be worn after the wedding and I'd have to agree. I'm not sure if she wants to reveal the coolness of the shoes tot eh general public. IF she wants to describe them, I'll leave that for her to do as a comment to this post. I don't want to steal her thunder.

There's the wedding update. We still need to sit down and come up with a list of songs to be played and next month we're planning on getting our rings.


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