Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The No Hitter

Right now, things are going pretty good for me. Obviously, I have some things going on that I could complain about, but the good far out weigh the bad. It's a happy little life I'm leading now that we're 2 weeks removed from Black Tuesday and my mind has wondered to purely self-gratifying interests. So, I'm going to do the un-thinkable: I'm going to talk about the good stuff right in the middle of it all happening. GASP!!!

For those non-sports fans out there, I need to explain an un-written rule in baseball. When a pitcher is throwing a no-hitter, no one talks to him. The later it gets in the game, no one will look at him. By the 8th inning, tehy treat him as though he has the plague. Mentioning the no-hitter is the sure fire way to have some moron o the other team bloop a hit hit into shallow right to break teh thing up. If you're a TV announcer and you mention it, the fan of teh pitcher will curse at you as though you're W at a Gay Pride Parade. Or anywhere in the North East or West Coast. Any way, here I go.

Firstly, and most importantly, I have me a woman. She rocks and she makes me supremely happy. Her presence alone makes my life absolute bliss.

Work is going pretty good. Not the most interesting job, but steady and very flexible. All in all, I like.

I'm getting a new TV delivered to my apartment on Friday. My current TV has served me well, but the fact is, you cna't read the scores on games when they flash tehm on the screen. The whites are completely washed out. This also makes reading subtitales rather tricky. So it was time to get a replacement, and with chip in via an early Christmas gift from the Rentals, I've got a new tube on the way. 44", wide screen, Rear Projection LCD. *drool*

I got called Satan on Monday. And this was a genuine name calling with all the spite and malice one might throw behind such a moniker. In teh previous article, I briefly commented how a old friend on my father's used Catholicism and my father's religious beliefs as a political weapon against him. Basically what happened (this was back in July or so) was this guy said that if my father voted for Kerry, he would have to answer for the blood of millions of un-born children when he died and faced God. Needless to say that this is teh prime example of right-wing religious nut-job that scares the ever loving crap out of me and basically made November 2-November 6th 5 of the most upsetting days I've had to deal with in a while (need proof, read the past posts). Anyway, my dad forwarded an op-ed article from the Daily Mirror in London basically calling our Bush as a two faced, hypocritial, greedy, ego-centric liar. All fair and true points. And it also had some barbs thrown in for good measure about the voting public of the US that cited Moral Values as their #1 election issue. This forward included me, some of my dad's kin, some other Kerry voters he knew and Mr. Fascist. His response prompted me to reply back to him and so began a week or so of back and forths where I sited instances in history and in international events which showed how Bush wasn't a very popular guy in the world and how the road the US is heading down isn't a pretty one. His only rebuttles were that my sources were liberal media scum and can't be trusted and I didn't see any of the events so they didn't actually happen. Eventually, the exchange led me to comment that while it will be impossible to get a secular democracy in the Middle East in our or our children's life-time, I sure hope we can get our own democracy that way some time soon. And that led to Mr. F calling me a Satan. I hadn't been so giddy in years. Being called Satan by such a man would be like Ghandi calling me a fat cow.

I have TiVo. And Tivo is finally picking up on teh fact that, from time to time, it'd be a GOOD thing for it to record a little Skinemax for me.

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King extended edition will be coming out on DVD next month.

And here's the last thing. And given the title of the article, I'm really not sure I should even mention this one. My brother would surely kill me and I'm certain Blair will be none too pleased, but it needs mentioning. I will attempt to be brief so as to not awaken the no-hitter gods. Also, they've lost already this year, so it's not like this is an actual no-hitter, but still. My Steelers are absolutely kicking all kinds of ass this year. I haven't had this much fun following a football season since I actually lived in Pittsburgh and they made it to the Super Bowl. AND, this coincides with the year I got the NFL Sunday Ticket on Direct TV. AND they have the best Rookie QB on their team since Peyton Manning (some say Dan Marino and while Peyton was inconsistant his rookie season, he still had the hype and you knew, in spite of the mistakes, he was going to be a keeper). AND their secondary and O-line (both question marks going into the season) are holding up. AND they're actually fun to watch (not something you could say about all the good teams they had in the 90's). This team justifies being a fan.

See? I'm just absolutely giddy!


Blogger Gilby said...

Sounds like life is doin' you well. I believe it was yer woman I was talkin' with last night. My apologies, as with her not being you I was afraid that she another certain someone entirely and got a little panicked. Anyhow, I expose all my flaws shamelessly at uglybike.blogspot.com


1:48 PM  

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