Monday, November 22, 2004

My what a big SCREEN you have!

The TV is much bigger than I expected. It hink the problem is, you look at these TV's in Best Buy, and they are in amone 55", 68" and 12' screens and the 44"-er looks to be a little on the small side. Not small mind you. But in comparison, it is obviously smaller. So you figure, you go with the 44" because you're not sue if $800 is worth spending for another 10". Now ladies, I assume in some circumstances paying for the extra size is definitely worth it. Bet let me tell you something: that is not the case for TV screens. I would veture to say the the 44"s was JUST RIGHT. And I'm really not saying that because it's MY TV and I have developed a bond with it (they say a man develops a bond with his TV within the first 3 programs). It is a fact: for the size of place that I have and the sue I will be getting out of the TV, the 55" set the guy was saying I should get would have been too big.

The big pluses of the wider and larger screen are mostevident in movies and sports. For regular TV viewing, I think a regular set suits just fine. But the movies is SOOO much better. And the football? Fergitabahdit. When they have the crazy SKYCAM on the Sunday night game, that just takes it to a whole other world.

I would liekt o thank those who were present for the first movie viewing, which did turn out to be LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring. Short version as the extended version would have taken us right past midnight. I think I'll be taking off a day in March or so in rder to watch the extended version all in one sitting. Like a follow up to my geek day next Friday when I do THEE TRILOGY.


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