Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Crossing over from the Dark Side

Just so everyone doesn't get too used to frequent posts, I'm letting everyone know now that in about 2 to 3 weeks, once the Fantasy Football season starts to pick up a bit, my lunch time blogging will be reduced a bit. So enjoy it while it lasts.

I read an article on Michael Moore's web site that had me scratching my head. There have been dozens others like it since the start of the illegal war in Iraq. A story about a person who was pro-Bush, pro-blowing up Iraqi civilians, pro-defending our boarders that aren't threatened by the enemy we were attacking. That is they were pro all of these things until the one day when their child was tragically killed while in Iraq. This made them start questioning things like, "Hey, why are we there again?" And in every instance it leads to the blatantly obvious answer, "This is bull crap. We have no business being there."

I really feel bad for these people. I do. It's terrible that their children died for a lack of cause. But my problem is this: they never explain why they were so gullible in the first place. The guy in the article goes so far as to say that he doesn't care if people call him un-patriotic or un-American. Excuse me?!?!? I MIND AND I HAVEN'T HAD MY HEAD UP MY ASS FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS!!! It's absurd and ridiculous to call those of us that know the difference between political speak and truth un-patriotic and un-American. I much prefer un-ignorant and un-lemming-like.

Here's my point: I'm glad that there are more people being woken up to The Truth, but I'm equally, if not more, mad that it takes these people having a kid die to do it. Their entire anti-war discussion is based on self-interest and personal experience rather than any understanding of world politics, political motivation and ideology, and a true desire for peace and loving thy neighbor. Essentially, he is only against murder once someone HE knows is murdered. Otherwise, it's not a concern of his to know what's actually going on. It's like the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) principle of nuclear power plants as proposed by George Carlin.

The greater fear, and likely reality, is of course that the majority of the lemmings will continue to jump off the cliff because none of them will have a loved one (thankfully for them) die while in Iraq. There's the Truth just sitting there waiting to be discovered. Waiting to be listened to. But everyone chooses to ignore until it become convenient to do so. The most unfortunate aspect of this is that the Official Truth Disseminators of a Democracy, the media, are afraid to give the Truth a louder voice. For whatever reason. it may be that they don't want to be branded: be it "liberal", "un-patriotic", "un-American" or "un-cooperative". I don't know. But for those of us that know there are questions not being asked, what more can we do than continue to try to ask them in our own way? And we will take conversions from the Dark Side. I'd just prefer that they not get all the press coverage because they're still rookies at this whole Truth thing.


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