Monday, June 19, 2006

The Trip and Stuff

Before I get into the details of the trip, I'll give a very brief update on the job search. I have many phone calls to make and will re-start my internet search today or tomorrow. The phone calls have to wait until after lunch, hence my time now to blog. As far as teh Solid Possibility List, you can take Royal Caribbean off. They conducted interviews and distributed offers while I was on the road. I'm less than pleased. I was supposed to have a second Citrix phone interview today but the HR person and the person I was supposed to interview with got all crossed up so it will be rescheduled. Again, not pleased. So far, not so good.

As for the trip, it went as well as a 45 hour cross-country journey could possibly go. We made excellent time thanks in large part to Jennifers complete and total lack of fear for the Red and Blue flashing lights. Until she gets pulled over for the first time, she's going to be our official distance driver. Along the way, we stopped at the Painted Desert/Petrified Forrest National Park. The sights were something else. Unfortunately, we're pretty sure we didn't see any of teh petrified trees. We couldn't get close enough to confirm any suspitions, however, the painted desert was pretty enough to make the stop worth while.

We also stopped in New Orleans briefly. Jenn wasn't a big fan. It's still one of my favorite places to go as this visit was far too breif to either add or detract from my previous experiences. But I will say this: before noon in June, it sure is one stinky place. That's something I hadn't noticed on my previous visit.

Other than that, we pretty much drove straight through. Considering a big chunk of the trip was Texas and North Florida, you can't really blame us. My mom and I were hping that the timing would have been such that we could stay over night in the Disney area. But alas, a 1 hour delay in Pensacola thanks to bridge construction squashed any hopes of that.

We got Jenn cards from Arizon, New Mexico and New Orleans. She already had Texas cards and the roads through Alabama and Mississippi were far to brief to warrant making special stops in the hopes that they'd have playing cards.

I hope everyone is well and look forward to being able to post some happy job-hunt news soon!


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