Friday, August 26, 2005

Interesting Future HP movie thoughts

Joss Whedon, of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame, was recently asked what it would take to get him to direct one of the Harry Potter movies (after Chris Columbus butchering the first 2, 3 and 4 both have different directors and an even different guy [with no movie experience {which scares the hell out of me because go look at what Fincher did with Alien 3}]). He said it would have to be after all the books come out. He hasn't seen any of the movies yet because Rowlings writes a better movie than anyone could ever make. So he won't see any of the movie until all the books come out. Once they're out, all they'd have to do is ask him to direct 7 and he'd do it.

Some personal notes on the Direction of the HP movies. Originally, the final 2 for the first movie were Columbus, who I hate, and Terry Gillium, who I worship. So you can imagine the disappointment I felt when Columbus was announced. Last weekend, we watched the 3 movies, and I can report that the 3rd one is so far above and beyond anything the first 2 could even dream about being, that it makes me cry to think what the first 2 COULD have been. Chacon (Director of #3) had fantastic vision for the movie and I wouldn't change a thing about it, but I still think that Gillium would have been the best thing for this series.

Obviously, he'd have to stick around to do all of them other wise the other ones would seem very odd and disjointed since he has such a unique look and feel. If he were to do JUST ONE of the HP books, 4, the one coming out in November, should have been it. It has enough new settings and doesn't introduce any uber-significant recurring characters (I won't include Voldemort because evil can take a different face from movie to movie and it won't matter too much) that it could stand alone in style very easily. Unfortunately, the movies done already, so that's out of the question. I wouldn't give him 5 because I don't think the source material is exciting enough for him. The 5th book, I feel, is the most dramatic, but not the most interesting or action packed. He could do 6, but by then, I think, what's the point.

I very much like the idea of Whedon. Even if I was never the biggest Buffy fan, his work has an unparalleled energy and a very unique vision. His ability to mix drama with the PERFECT blend of comic relief would most likely be a huge asset in a movie that will undoubtedly be very dark.

And in closing, I love parenthetical statements.


Blogger thevitaminkid said...

Parenthetically, it is Whedon not Wheaton. Joss Whedon.

3:06 PM  
Blogger RauluaP said...

Ooops. Fixed now.

3:59 PM  

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