The Global Wretching about Euphamisms
In case you didn't know, the Global War on Terror is officially over. And who do we have to thank for this? A brave Marine that found Osama in Pakistan? The Iraqi people who have stepped up and taken over the fight against insurgents? Nope. None other than the evil politicians that barage you with talking points and a constant caucaphony of evation and misinformation.
That's right, The Village Idiot's people have ended the War on Terror and have introduced us, the American People, to the Global Struggle Against Extremism. Basically, this is as big of a news event as any other re-branding within corporate America. Just like people with half a brain didn't give a crap about McDonalds changing their slogan from "We love to see you smile" to "I'm Lovin' It", those same people aren't buying this either: we recognize that it's just a powerful, soulless machine feeding uss the exact same garbage.
The best part about this particular re-branding, however, is that the hard line-religious right, conservatives that are behind Iraq, Terry Schiavo and the War Against the 1st Amendment, have placed themselves on the other side of the line now. Before, you could make an arguement that our invation of Iraq wasn't actually a terrorist act (terrorist want to spread fear, we wanted to spread our hands into Iraqi oil fields). However, it is far more difficutle to claim that they are not extremists. A majority of Americans were against Federal intervention in the Schivo fiasco; they were all for it. A majority of Americans want Roe v Wade to stand; they would ike nothing more than to see it end. And not, a majority of Americans recognize that Iraq was a mistake and we were misled in the reasoning behind it; they continue to re-brand our mission there.
They are political extremists. Forget the extremists on the other side: these people are a threat and affront to the average citizen. Their ascendancy into power has lead directly to the polerization of a nation. They have shown to use any means necessary to reach their own political ends. They will lie, fabricate and withhold any amount of information that is necessary. And here in the continental USA, I'm far more afraid of the consequences of those actions than I am afraid of the consequences of a car bombing in Iraq for the consequences on control information last far longer.
That's right, The Village Idiot's people have ended the War on Terror and have introduced us, the American People, to the Global Struggle Against Extremism. Basically, this is as big of a news event as any other re-branding within corporate America. Just like people with half a brain didn't give a crap about McDonalds changing their slogan from "We love to see you smile" to "I'm Lovin' It", those same people aren't buying this either: we recognize that it's just a powerful, soulless machine feeding uss the exact same garbage.
The best part about this particular re-branding, however, is that the hard line-religious right, conservatives that are behind Iraq, Terry Schiavo and the War Against the 1st Amendment, have placed themselves on the other side of the line now. Before, you could make an arguement that our invation of Iraq wasn't actually a terrorist act (terrorist want to spread fear, we wanted to spread our hands into Iraqi oil fields). However, it is far more difficutle to claim that they are not extremists. A majority of Americans were against Federal intervention in the Schivo fiasco; they were all for it. A majority of Americans want Roe v Wade to stand; they would ike nothing more than to see it end. And not, a majority of Americans recognize that Iraq was a mistake and we were misled in the reasoning behind it; they continue to re-brand our mission there.
They are political extremists. Forget the extremists on the other side: these people are a threat and affront to the average citizen. Their ascendancy into power has lead directly to the polerization of a nation. They have shown to use any means necessary to reach their own political ends. They will lie, fabricate and withhold any amount of information that is necessary. And here in the continental USA, I'm far more afraid of the consequences of those actions than I am afraid of the consequences of a car bombing in Iraq for the consequences on control information last far longer.
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